The Master Has Arrived!

Nearly twenty three years ago, I had a story that entered my mind and just wouldn’t let go until I started to write it down. That story was bigger than I ever imagined and grew into a trilogy even before I’d finished the first volume. I’m happy to say that today that trilogy has been completed. The Master of Zdrell released today.

Thank you to all of my patient fans and friends who’ve wanted to get this story finished as much as I did, maybe more. For all of you who pre-ordered, thanks, the pre-orders were nearly four times more than they were for Journeyman and let’s not even talk about the Apprentice pre-orders. If you’re just hearing about this release, feel free to follow the links at the bottom of this post. If you’ve already ordered, the best thing you can do now is to leave a review. I don’t just want five-star reviews. I want honest reviews. I’d love to hear what you think.

For those who listened to the previous volumes, I have to say it may be a while before the audiobook edition is released. I lost my narrator from the previous two volumes, so I have to find a new narrator and producer.

The funny thing about this whole journey is that as soon as I finished with all the publishing tasks and there was nothing more I could do beyond marketing, I started getting ideas for further stories on the planet Klastra, both before and after this trilogy. If you have an area or character that you’d love to see explored, leave a comment or send me an email.

If you have any questions or any ideas, I’d love to hear from.

Thanks for everything


Order direct from Amazon


  1. Glyn Hudson

    A most engrossing series. Having just finished the first volume, The Apprentice, I look forward to reading the rest of the trilogy. It took me two days to read the Apprentice, which I couldn’t put down. l hope you intend to continue with the theme, which is very original. I look forward to hearing about further stories in due course. Well done.

    • dave

      Hey Glyn,
      Thanks for the kind words. I’ll be interested to hear how you like the rest of the trilogy.


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